
Because my song is off the movie "Finding Neverland" I thought it would be very fitting to make my first official blog on J.M.BARRIES masterpiece of a book!
The film itself is beautiful and of course Johnny Depp in my own native tongue (that being Scottish) is every bit the dream come true ^.^
I just think hearing him put on a Scottish accent makes him that little bit more sexier!
ANYWAYS back to the film...haha...its such a beautiful film with beautiful scenery , it definitely gives off the fairytale vibe.
The music in the film makes me close my eyes and pretend I'm inside it experiencing the magic!
I like the idea of escaping into your own imagination and believing anything is possible with a little faith and creativity!
I look over at my fairy ornaments and smile because even if real life isn't exciting, at least people like J.M.BARRIE can write something SO imaginative and make you dream and explore other lands that are not of this world.

Miss Meg x


Miss Meg said...

Checking if it works.

Sarah Melissa said...

Yes everything works now! (including the music)

Miss Meg said...

Thankgoodness :)